Termites The termite control market has become more “user friendly” with the advent of new non-repellant termiticides. We carry Premise 75, Premise Foam, Timbor and Termidor.
For roaches, we carry “Demon” products, along with Suspend Bifenthrin Pro, MaxForce Gel Roach Bait, Gentrol IGR, MaxForce granular Roach Bait, and Niban Granular Bait.
We recommend Advance Granular Carpenter Ant Bait, MaxForce Granular Fire Ant Bait, MaxForce Ant Gel, Fluorguard Bait stations, Niban Granular Bait and Termidor. We also have the new Advion Fire Ant Bait.
Rodents Victor Snap traps, T-Rex Snap traps, Traffer glue boards, Contrac Pellet packs, Contrac 1# Block Bait, Contrac 4# Blox Bait pail.
We carry Time-Mist aerosols, Bac-A-Zap or Odor Destroyer.
Call for other products!
Speaking Of Pests
The “hot” pest of the season is fleas. Fleas can be a problem in both occupied and vacant structures. Fleas have four life stages, and they all have to be addressed. Fleas start as eggs, hatch into larvae, spin a cocoon and develop into larvae, and finally break out as the biting adult we all know. Growth regulators such as Precor and Nylar stop the larvae from maturing into adults. The powders that are put in carpets kill the larvae. Since fleas that drop eggs do so at about 50 a day the importance of stopping the pre-adult stages is the most important. Products that kill adult fleas are just to provide relief until the long term pre-adult controls take hold. If there are fleas in a vacant structure then the battle is tougher, since the normal host has left. You, or anyone else who enters, become the primary meal of the fleas that have been hungry for who knows how long. Cleaning carpets will help in controlling fleas. Steam cleaning has been shown to kill up to 75% of a flea problem. Even vacuuming helps because it removes several life stages of fleas as well as the products that the larvae feed on. Repeat treatments are needed because fleas don't all hatch on a set schedule. The eggs that are laid first hatch first, and most of the time they require 7-10 days to mature from a cocoon to an adult flea. A bad problem may require 3-4 weeks of treating to gain control. Vacant homes may require treating every few days just to “control” the hatch. Insect repellants such as “Off” or “6-12” will help while fleas are present and work needs to be done on a home. A great product for treating inside homes is Ultracide. It is an inverted aerosol, that is, it is a can that is held upside down and sprays a fine mist on the floor. It is safe to use on all types of floor surfaces, and also can be used on furniture. Ultracide dries in minutes, so you don't have to leave the house for hours like the old style liquid treatments. It also is a low odor formula. It contains both permethrin and pyrethrum for a fast knockdown on adult fleas, and Nylar growth regulator for long term control of pre-adult fleas. Preventive treatment is the best defense against fleas. Powder products in carpets work well for long periods but do not give any immediate relief from biting adult fleas. Preventive treatments can be the difference between having a few weeks of misery for folks that have done nothing to maintain control, but not for those who have been prepared. Outside, no growth regulators or powders are approved for use. Bifenthrin Pro is a good liquid for both fleas and ticks. It can also be used indoors for tick control. Repetition on a weekly basis is the plan for success. Liquids or granules will both work, but if fleas are active outdoors then plan on treating every week until the problem is under control, typically 3-4 weeks. Maintain with a 4-6 week schedule of whatever product works best for you. Do not ignore the need to treat the pet. Use Frontline Plus for ongoing control on the animal. Remember, flea control can be achieved and maintained, but the home, yard and animal must all be taken care of. Always read and follow label directions.
Paul R. Tibbetts